
The 先锋预备领导学院 is a core component of the University of Denver's commitment to diversity 和 inclusiveness, centering the needs of the Black/African-American 和 Latinx communities as they relate to higher education.

There is no racial or ethnic prerequisite to participate in the program. 欢迎所有人申请!

The 先锋预备领导学院 application window for 2024 has now closed.

The 先锋预备领导学院 brings together rising high school juniors 和 seniors from across the country for a transformative experience that:

  • 丰富参与者的文化意识

    检查和庆祝社区, 文化适应, 和 resilience that have allowed Black/African-American 和 Latinx peoples to survive the systemic inequality they face in the United States. 著名学者, 思想领袖, 和 storytellers discuss what it means to occupy these identities, as well as the strength 和 grit gained from the shared experiences of these communities.

  • 赋予新兴领导者权力

    Begin creating the future emerging leaders envision through workshops, 练习, 和 presentations led by recognized experts from a variety of fields 和 professions. Participants will walk away armed with a wealth of knowledge about their individual strengths 和 leadership skills 和 how to put them to use in shaping their futures.

  • Guides scholars through the college admission process

    Navigate the college admission process from initial selection to application 和 financial aid. Presentations from admission 和 financial aid professionals, panel interviews with current University of Denver students, 和 admission case studies all help scholars underst和 every facet of this process, ensuring they make the best choice for their educational goals.

Are you interested in studying business at the University of Denver? Are you curious about what a business degree is all about? If so, you should apply for the 先锋准备 Business Days!

先锋准备 Business Days is an extension to the 先锋预备领导学院 和 provides interested students with additional programming to explore life as a business student at DU.

  • 了解更多正规赌博十大平台排行工作日的信息


    • Connect with current students 和 hear what life is like as a business scholar experienced through the 丹尼尔斯 College of Business 和 our major offerings:
      • 会计
      • 业务信息 & 分析
      • 金融
      • 酒店管理
      • 市场营销
      • 管理
      • 国际业务
      • 房地产 & 建筑环境
    • 参加案例竞赛, a team-based exercise that will develop participants' collaboration, 解决问题, 和 presentation skills as they work to develop solutions to unique business challenges.
    • 与校友互动,与教师交流 & staff, 和 learn about today's competitive business environment.

If you want to discover what it means to be a business leader 和 start your journey towards becoming one, then select "yes" when you apply for the 先锋预备领导学院, 在完成一些附加问题之后, 你将在工作日内被考虑!



  • Engaging discussions promoting cultural awareness, leadership, 和 college access
  • Continued communication 和 support throughout the college search 和 application process
  • 建立个人简历和社交圈
  • 作为先驱者预备奖学金获得者, we'll waive your $65 application fee if you choose to apply for college at DU
  • 视乎经济需要, 先锋准备 participants who successfully complete the program may receive a Pathways Scholarship worth up to $7,每年500美元, 可续期四年,收费为 DU


  • 谁可以申请先锋预科?

    即将成为美国公民的大三学生和大四学生, 永久居民, or DACA recipients are all eligible to apply for the program.

  • 这个项目要花多少钱?

    这个项目的总费用是65美元, with scholarship consideration for families who demonstrate financial hardship through free or reduced lunch eligibility.

    仅适用于非科罗拉多州申请人: If you are interested in being considered for a travel stipend, 请务必在申请表上注明这一点.

    注意: Travel stipends are limited 和 evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • 先锋预科什么时候开始?

    程序将从 7月15日 17th.


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