
Education is an investment in your future, 许多个人选择的一种投资方式是通过仔细考虑的借款. 如果管理得当, 教育贷款是资助你的DU教育的宝贵工具,因为许多教育贷款提供比其他消费贷款更优惠的条款. 当然, 因为所有的贷款都必须偿还, 你应该探索你所有的选择,只借你绝对需要的东西.


Thumbnail of A Minute to Learn It - Borrowing Student 贷款


  • Federal Direct Subsidized/Un补贴 贷款

    Federal Direct Subsidized/Un补贴 贷款 are the most widely-used loans for undergraduate students. If you submit the Free 应用程序 for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA),你至少会得到其中一项贷款,作为他们经济援助计划的一部分.


    这些贷款适用于提交有效FAFSA的每个攻读学位的学生. Subsidized loans are offered to students deemed to have financial need, while 未受资助的 loans are available for all students.

      Class 最大总 最高补贴
    依赖学生: 1 st-year学生 $5,500 $3,500
      2 nd-year学生 $6,500 $4,500
      三年级和四年级学生 $7,500 $5,500
    独立的学生: 1 st-year学生 $9,500 $3,500
      2 nd-year学生 $10,500 $4,500
      三年级和四年级学生 $12,500 $5,500

    Thumbnail of Federal Direct Student Loan Limits Video: Federal Direct Student Loan Limits

    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2024-25 academic year: 6.53%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2023-24 academic year: 5.50%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2022-23 academic year: 4.99%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2021-22 academic year: 3.73%

    These interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan.

    为 补贴 贷款,美国.S. 教育部在你注册至少一半的时间(六个学分或以上)支付利息。. 利息产生于 未受资助的 在校期间和毕业后的贷款 这两个 你离开学校后的贷款类型. You can pay the interest as it accrues, if you wish. If not paid, interest will be capitalized when repayment begins.


    在支付每一笔贷款时扣除贷款发起费. 为 loans first disbursed on or after Oct. 2020年10月1日及之前. 1、2024年,费用为 1.057%.


    你必须在网上完成主本票和正规赌博十大平台排行咨询 Student援助.政府 和 remain enrolled at least half-time (six credits or more).


    You're not required to make any payments while in school. 还款开始于你毕业后六个月,退学或低于半学期正规赌博十大平台排行. 付款是给你的 直接贷款服务商 每个月. 最低还款额是50美元, but that amount will likely be higher depending on the total amount borrowed.




  • 联邦直接父母加贷款

    The Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (家长PLUS贷款)是一项以信用为基础的贷款,提供给受供养本科生的家长. Students will not have this loan included in their financial aid offer. Parents must apply separately for this loan via Student援助.政府 并且可以借到学生的总出勤费用,减去所有其他经济援助.

    Video Playlist: Parent PLUS Loan Overview

    Thumbnail of What is a Parent PLUS Loan?

    家长PLUS贷款适用于已提交FAFSA的受抚养本科生的信用良好的父母, 无论经济需要如何. To be approved, the parent must not have an adverse credit history.

    Conditions that result in an adverse credit history include:

    • One or more debts with a total combined outst和ing balance greater than $2,逾期90天或以上,或在信用报告日期前两年内已被催收或冲销(注销).
    • 在出具信用报告之日前五年内,有下列情形之一的:
        • 默认的决心
        • 在破产中清偿债务
        • 丧失抵押品赎回权
        • 收回
        • 税收留置权
        • 扣发工资
        • Write-off of a federal student aid debt

    Students are considered to be independent if they are: at least 24 years old; married; have children; a graduate student; a veteran; a member of the armed forces; an orphan, 法庭监护, 或无家可归. 如果这些都不符合,他们被认为是依赖联邦学生援助的目的.


    If you are denied a 家长PLUS贷款 because of adverse credit, you may...

    • 与信誉良好的担保人重新申请.
    • 如果有与你的信用记录相关的情有可依的情况,你可以向教育部提出上诉.
    • 正规赌博十大平台排行——您的学生可能有资格获得额外的联邦直接无补贴贷款.


    到你的总数为止 出勤费用,减去所有其他经济资助.



    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2024-25 academic year: 9.08%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2023-24 academic year: 8.05%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2022-23 academic year: 7.54%
    • 为 loans borrowed during the 2021-22 academic year: 6.28%

    利息是在学生在校期间、任何宽限期和还款期间产生的. You can pay the interest as it accrues if you wish. If not paid, interest will be capitalized when repayment begins.


    在支付每一笔贷款时扣除贷款发起费. 为 loans with a first disbursement on or after Oct. 2020年10月1日及之前. 1、2024年,费用为 4.228%.


    你必须签到 Student援助.政府 使用您自己的FSA ID,申请PLUS贷款,并填写主本票(MPN).

    A credit check will be conducted once you begin the loan application process. 如果你最初被拒绝了父母PLUS贷款,但后来通过获得背书或证明情有可原的情况而获得了资格, you will also be required to complete PLUS Counseling. 这可以通过 Student援助.政府 也.

    一旦你被批准, 教育部将向我们发送您的贷款批准确认书和所需金额的详细信息. The loan will be added to your student's financial aid award after processing.


    还款 begins 60 days after the last disbursement of the loan. 然而, 在学生正规赌博十大平台排行至少一半的时间内,以及在学生毕业后的六个月宽限期内,还款可以延期. 付款是给你的 直接贷款服务商 每个月. 最低还款额是50美元, but that amount will likely be higher depending on the total amount borrowed.






Compare your future monthly payment amounts under different repayment plans.



许多金融机构提供私人学生贷款,有时被称为另类贷款. 这些项目可能会提供比联邦贷款更有竞争力的利率和条款. 然而, 法律要求联邦学生贷款提供一系列还款选择, including income-based repayment plans 和 loan forgiveness benefits. Private loans are not required to offer any such flexibility. 因为联邦直接贷款适用于所有学生,无论其经济需求如何, they often represent a preferable funding option. 了解更多正规赌博十大平台排行 联邦贷款与私人贷款.

  • 详细信息和历史贷款人名单

    利率、发起费用和还款信息都因贷方而异. If you pursue a private education loan, you will need to apply directly through the lender of your choice. Apply early as processing may take several weeks. As part of the application process, you will be required to complete the Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification 为m, available through each lender's website. Information needed to complete this form, 比如出勤费用, can be obtained from either your financial aid offer or via MyDU.

    资格: 私立教育贷款适用于所有信用良好的学生(不需要FAFSA). Eligibility for private loans varies among lenders, but a credit check 和/or debt-to-income ratio is usually required. 可能还需要一个共同借款人.

    最高贷款金额: 到你的总数为止 出勤费用, less all other financial aid.

    历史银行: 我们保留了向DU借款人提供贷款的机构的历史列表. 在过去五年内,该名单上的贷款人向至少五个独立的DU借款人发放了贷款. 您可以通过以下方式查看此列表 ELMSelect, which allows you to compare lenders by interest rate 和 repayment benefits.

    We will certify loan requests from all lenders, including those that do not appear on our private loan lender list. 贷款 will first pay toward your charges. If you have borrowed an amount greater than your bill, the 学生收费办公室 will generate a refund to you for the difference.






If you borrow from the Federal Direct Loan program, information regarding your loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) 和 will be accessible by guarantee agencies, lenders 和 institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system. 所有贷款资金首先支付给正规赌博十大平台排行,任何多余的资金可能会以退款的形式寄给你

您的账单 & 接受你的援助


